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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Billykirk 'Worn In' #2

From Ross in Calgary. His
well used Tan No. 67 Hand Stitched Card Case with Wallet Chain. Purchased in 2005.
*Click on images to enlarge.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Billykirk 'Worn In' No. 1

One of the great things about leather is how it changes over time. We only use top quality harness leathers because they tend to take on the best patinas and last the longest. I will, from time to time, put up images that customers have sent us showing their worn in Billykirk items. The first is from best friend Paul of Stillwater, MN. This is his Tan No.01 Weave Cuff and it is approximately 7 years ol

*Click on image to enlarge.