Corduroy Magazine, one of the best art, fashion and music reads on the news stands asked us to list our top ten things that never go out of style.

Here we are in our studio with an framed, original Harpers Weekly from 1864 featuring our Great, Great, Great Uncle General George H. Thomas (The Rock of Chickamauga.) We gave this to our Father for Father's Day last year. Photo by Seiichi "Zuma" Niitsuma.
Chris (on the right)
1. 35mm film
2. American-made tools, boots and folk music
3. Billykirk’s hand-stitched card cases
4. Brooks Brothers Seersucker suit
5. Chivalry (I am a Southern boy)
6. Grandpa’s old pocket knife and Zippo lighter
7. WWII stories of valor and unselfishness
8. My Gokey’s canvas and leather briefcase I got new in 1988
9. Signet rings
10. Monogrammed stationary
Kirk (seated at left):
1. White Jack Purcells
2. 1960’s Omega Seamaster watch
3. Early Stock Ford Bronco
4. John Stewart
5. Good fitting navy blazer
6. Motivation through hard work
7. Bonnie Prince Billy
8. “Catcher in the Rye”
9. Levi’s
10. Experimentation