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Monday, October 27, 2008

Billykirk 'Worn-In' #9

This is my personal No. 95 Satchel in Tan. It gets better every year. Circa 2003.
*Click on image to enlarge

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Agnes de Bethune

New oil paintings by Agnes de Bethune. Agnes has been at her Newport, RI studio most of the summer and these are some of her new pieces. She is represented by the Hammer Galleries in NYC and we are fortunate to have her as a neighbor.
*Click on images to enlarge

Friday, October 17, 2008

Billykirk 'Worn-In' No. 8

Our neighbor and all around good guy, Phil stopped down during the Jersey City Studio Tour and brought his No. 182 Zip Card Case. Looks like it's wearing in quite nicely. Circa 2006. By the way, Phil has a superb Flokati rug (100% wool rugs from Greece) business . Click here to see his web-site.
*Click on images to enlarge